Why lie about your age when your skin can do it for you? Tips to Look Younger

Why lie about your age when your skin can do it for you? Tips to Look Younger

With age comes not just wisdom, but those wrinkles and fine lines that you struggle hard to hide. But relax! We have got all the secret hacks to make you look younger regardless of age. Here's everything you need to know to keep your skin young. Get an everlasting natural glow with these tips to look younger.

Content Index

  • Don't skip sunscreen
  • A plant-rich diet is all you need
  • Stay hydrated! Stay young!
  • Exercise regularly
  • Say no to tobacco products
  • Alcohol and caffeine? It depends!
  • Protein, your skin’s strength
  • Befriend Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Don't stress out!
  • Get that 'beauty' sleep
  • Don’t sleep on your stomach
  • Then comes, a good skincare routine

Make sunscreen your holy grail

If you are looking for younger-looking skin tips, this is something you need to know 一 90% of the visible signs of aging are linked to damage from the sun's UV rays. From dull and saggy appearance to wrinkles and age spots- the damage done is not small. You might feel relieved because you wear sunscreen on those bright sunny days. But what about a cloudy or chilly day? We don't care much, right? But here's the fact. No matter the climate, give your skin a tint of sunscreen with at least SPF 30, to keep those wrinkles and fine lines at bay. So, if you are looking for tips to look younger, then sunscreen is a must!

A plant-rich diet is all you need, seriously!

Do you think anti-aging ingredients in your skincare products are all you need for young-looking skin? If your answer is yes, think again. A healthy diet with plenty of fruits and veggies is necessary if you want healthy aging inside out. A healthy diet with natural skincare can take your skin in the long run without those signs of aging. And remember 一 no skin care can help you stay young without your daily dose of essential vitamins and nutrients.

Stay hydrated! Stay young!

Did you know dehydrated skin can give you wrinkles? No worries! Looking young could be as simple as drinking a few glasses of water every day. Keeping your body hydrated the whole day is the best way to keep your skin supple and smooth. Yes, the best tip to look younger is never to let your body feel thirsty. 

Work that body out

Your working cells in the body need oxygen and nutrients to repair the damaged skin cells. When you get physically active, you are also increasing your blood flow, thus taking more oxygen and nutrients to those hardworking cells. The energized cells will work more efficiently to give you that youthful look. So do away with your lazy routine and get physically active to get that everlasting young look.

Say no to tobacco products

Smoking is injurious to health 一 we hear this often. But did you know it can also give you wrinkles and dry skin? The repeated physical act of smoking can even give you wrinkles around your mouth. Ditch cigars and cigarettes, if you want to keep that youthful glow of your skin.

Alcohol and caffeine? No thank you!

For many of us, a cup of morning coffee is a must. But what happens if you can't stop taking one cup after another? Then it gets problematic. And, it's the same with alcohol. Moderate amounts of both caffeine and alcohol can have some health benefits. 

But too much caffeine and alcohol can dehydrate your skin making it dry and rough. Excessive drinking can even give you an unpleasant flushed appearance and red, spidery veins on your face. And sadly, this will make you look older than your age. Be careful of the amount you take in if young-looking skin is what you want.

Protein, your skin’s strength

Protein is not just needed for building muscle mass. If you want to build new collagen and elastin, you need your daily dose of protein ( yes, elastin and collagen are what give you young-looking skin). Make yogurt, peas, soybeans, or anything rich in protein a part of your diet. Try this younger-looking skin tip, and you will see the magic unfold itself. 

Befriend Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids could be your best friend in fighting the signs of aging. It fights skin damage, reduces inflammation of the skin, and reduces the loss of collagen. Yes, this makes it one of the best tips for younger-looking skin. This all-rounder will help you stay young inside and out with the goodness of healthy fats. Include salmon, tuna, nuts, and seeds to give your body enough Omega-3s and prevent the signs of aging.

Don't stress out!

Did you know stress can have adverse effects on your skin health? Those wrinkles and fine lines do not always come with age - sometimes stress could be the reason. Stress can make you look older far beyond your age. But relax! All you have to do is spend a few minutes with yourself every day. Breathe in, breathe out and calm yourselves. Being kind to yourself can have positive effects on your skin making you look younger and healthier. Yes, falling in love with yourself is the best trick to look younger!

Get that 'beauty' sleep

"Didn't you sleep well yesterday?" 一 if someone shoots this question at you don't get surprised. It may be the puffy eyes or the dark under-eye circle yelling out this fact. Yes, your skin won't let you lie about that sleepless night. But definitely, your skin can lie about your age if you get a minimum of seven hours of sleep daily. Hurry! A young-looking skin is just a sleep away. Sleep more and look younger! 

Don’t sleep on your stomach

Have you heard of 'sleep lines'? It's the simple lines that you get after lying with your face against the pillow. But did you know it can eventually take the shape of wrinkles? Don't let your efforts to look young fall apart with this simple mistake of lying on your stomach. It might sound funny but it's true! Sleep on your back and get a young look. 

And finally…a good skincare routine!

That said, to keep this all in line, you need a good skincare routine. Cleanse, moisturize and repeat 一 this will give you young-looking plump skin. But with so many brands out in the market, choosing the right skincare products becomes difficult. This is when you have to be skintelligent®. Get your hands on 100% natural products from the skintelligent® range of TheUnbottleCo. With its 'active botanicals', you will get that youthful glow without the side effects of chemicals. Check out these anti-aging skincare products from TheUnbottleCo.

Deep Hydrating Body Lotion Proven To Fight Dry Skin With Wheat Germ & Almond Oil 200ml

To treat:

  • Kojic acid treats skin conditions such as sun damage, scars, and age spots
  • Almond oil preserves skin’s natural moisture

To prevent recurrence:

  • Wheat germ oil builds collagen
  • Honey corrects skin tone and helps in skin brightening

Age Defence Body Lotion Proven To Fight Fine Lines and Wrinkles with Kojic Acid & Saffron Oil 200ml

 To treat:

  • Kojic acid treats skin conditions such as sun damage, scars, and age spots
  • Saffron oil boosts collagen synthesis for brighter-looking skin

To prevent recurrence:

  • Wheat germ oil builds collagen and improves skin elasticity
  • Almond oil preserves skin’s natural moisture

Age-Defence Face Cleanser Proven To Fight Fine Lines & Wrinkles With Grapeseed Oil & Alpha Arbutin 100ml

To treat: 

  • Alpha-arbutin brightens skin tone and heals skin damage
  • Grapeseed oil improves skin elasticity and flexibility

To prevent recurrence:

  • Green tea reduces free radicals and detoxes skin
  • Saffron evens and brightens skin tone without causing breakouts

Age Defence Face Serum For Fine Lines & Wrinkles with Grapeseed Oil 15ml

To treat:

  • Grapeseed oil improves skin elasticity and flexibility
  • Witch hazel relieves inflammation and tighten pores

To prevent recurrence:

  • Rosehip oil exfoliates and brightens skin
  • Saffron oil boosts natural collagen to improve skin elasticity and brightens skin
Don’t leave your skin alone in its fight to give you a young looking skin. With these tips to make you look younger, now you know what your skin needs for healthy aging. Give your skin all it needs and your skin will lie your age with a ‘forever’ young glow..
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